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L’ONU dénonce une accélération des activités israéliennes de colonisation
Lors d’une réunion du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies sur la situation au Moyen-Orient - la troisième sur le sujet cette semaine -...
« Le racisme continue d’empoisonner notre monde » – Guterres
Le racisme « pervertit les communautés, bloque les perspectives d’avenir et ruine des vies, érodant les fondements mêmes de la dignité, de l’égalité et de...
WORLD WATER DAY LIVE: ‘A cold hard truth’
Melting glaciers, climate crises and access to clean water are some of the messages emerging ahead of World Water Day and the first ever...
2024 is Deadliest Year on Record for Migrants, New IOM Data...
Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
Berlin/ Geneva, 21 March 2025 - At least 8,938 people died on migration routes worldwide in 2024, making it the deadliest...
African Diaspora Leaders
Senate Democrats Cave on Disastrous Republic Spending Bill
Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
Vantage Point VignetteComments and Commentary by Dr. Ron Daniels
It was shocking, shameful and demoralizing to witness a handful of nervous, spinless...
A Model and Mirror of Service, Sacrifice and Struggle
Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
By Dr. Maulana Karenga —
This February 21, 2025, marks the 60th Anniversary of the assassination and martyrdom of El Hajj Malik...
A Mother-Son Message of Resistance to the World
Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
By Dr. Maulana Karenga —
Part 1.
As we move from February, the month of the martyrdom of Nana Haji Malcolm X and...
That day Eartha Kitt shut down the White House luncheon — By David Love
Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
When the President asks you a question, either say what people want to hear or you speak the truth.
By David Love,...
In Disruption, Go Back to Our Roots
Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
By Dr. Julianne Malveaux —
It has not yet been sixty days, but in two scant months the 47th President has upended...
Immigration, Brain Drain & Refugees
Free societies are good for business says UN rights chief, wrapping...
Speaking in the capital Bishkek, Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights acknowledged the country’s recent economic growth but cautioned that narrowing space...
Philanthropy, Fundraising & Humanitarian
Syria: Relative of Assad regime’s disappeared speaks of anguish in search...
Obeida Dabbagh’s brother Mazen, and nephew Patrick – both Syrian-French nationals – were arrested by Air Force Intelligence officials in November 2013.Held for years...
Iran protests: Human Rights Council probe condemns online, app-based repression
In their latest and final report, the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Iran alleged ongoing serious rights violations by the Iranian authorities stemming from massive protests...
World News in Brief: Gaza aid ‘unravelling’, funding cuts in Ukraine,...
Citing reports from humanitarians in the Strip, he said it was becoming more difficult to access “decent and sufficient food, water, medical services and...
Humanitarian system at breaking point as funding cuts force life-or-death choices
Tom Fletcher, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, told reporters at a briefing in New York that the current crisis was the most severe challenge to...
Human Rights Council: Significant increase in child victims of trafficking
In a new report, Dr. Najat Maalla M'jid, who’s the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on violence against children, said that traffickers are quick...
Women, girls bear brunt of cyberbullying against persons with disabilities
Recalling the mantra “nothing about us, without us”, which was coined by the disability rights movement, UN rights chief Volker Türk insisted that the international...
Dia Mundial reforça preocupação com declínio da água doce no planeta
Nesse Dia Mundial da Água, as Nações Unidas fazem um apelo pela preservação dos ecossistemas que abastecem o planeta com água doce.O objetivo é...
Dia Mundial reforça preocupação com declínio da água doce no planeta...
Data serve de alerta para impactos da mudança climática e poluição na sobrevivência de fontes de água potável como rios e geleiras; ex-relator especial...
Sustainability, Climate & Environment
WHO give clean bill of health to cities taking action on...
Córdoba in Argentina, Fortaleza in Brazil and Manchester in the UK picked up accolades at a healthy cities summit, co-hosted by the UN World...
Conflict, Peace & Security
Lifestyle, Beauty, Culture & Opinion
UN News Today 21 March 2025 |
Exhausted Gazans wake from another night of Israeli bombing: UN aid teamsIsrael’s renewed bombing campaign and intensifying ground operation in Gaza are reversing gains...
UNICEF condemns looting of lifesaving supplies for children in Sudan
The attack on one of the last operational hospitals in the area further deepened the ongoing humanitarian crisis sparked by the civil war between...