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Police in Asheville, North Carolina, have made one arrest, charged two others with “ethnic intimidation,” and shared photos of about 10 people of interest since two Jewish residents and a senior citizen were beaten and dragged out of the West Asheville Library during an anti-Israel event on June 29.

The three victims are pro-Israel. The event — which was labeled an “Anarchist Bookfair” — attracted about 60-80 anti-Israel activists.

The two Jewish victims, David Moritz and Monica Buckley, along with 79-year-old Bob Campbell, were interviewed by The Algemeiner.

Moritz, the son of Holocaust survivors, informed The Algemeiner that he recently received a threatening letter in the mail, which said, “Stop harassing others before it’s too late.”

Moritz reported the letter to police.

On the day of the event, Asheville police arrested and charged Taylor Danielle Zarkin with “two counts of resisting, delay, and obstruct.” The police report states that Zarkin’s employer is the “Asheville Public Library.”

Buncombe County, which includes Asheville, issued a statement: “We are aware the arrest report states the person’s employer is Asheville Public Library System. To clarify, this person is not and has never been a Buncombe County employee.”

Asked to clarify this information, a police spokesperson told The Algemeiner that Zarkin’s “employer of record on the arrest report is due to the fact that is what she indicated to officers at the time of her arrest.”

The June 29 event, “Strategic Lessons From the Palestinian Resistance,” was hosted by Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair (ACAB) at the West Asheville Library, and was one of multiple anti-Israel sessions that took place during the three-day anarchist book fair. According to the Anti-Defamation League and others, the same acronym — ACAB — is commonly used to mean “All Cops Are Bastards.”

The morning after the group’s 2023 book fair, two Asheville police cars were set on fire and destroyed. The police chief said at the time, “This is just pure anarchist behavior.”

Last month, the Asheville police announced they were investigating vandalism on two vehicles belonging to residents that had been graffitied with an anarchist symbol. In 2022, the Asheville police investigated vandalism committed at a local pregnancy services business, which included a graffitied anarchist symbol and a threat: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!”

The June 2024 anarchists’ event, held in a public library, glorified Hamas’ massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7, when the Palestinian terrorist group killed 1,200 people and kidnapped approximately 250 hostages.

In a recently uploaded video, the audience is clearly seen and heard celebrating the Oct. 7 attack and the taking of hundreds of hostages with applause, finger snapping, and cheering.

The anarchists’ event also attacked the United States. In a second recently uploaded video, a presenter declares that “everyday life in America is below humanity.”

The Buncombe County statement explained that “an outside group reserved a meeting room at West Asheville Branch Library under the name Another Carolina Bookfair for the purpose of an unspecified workshop. This was not a county sponsored event.”

If the Buncombe County statement is accurate, it suggests that book fair organizers attempted to conceal from officials that they are anarchists by omitting the word “anarchist” from their name.

Moritz, one of the Jewish residents attacked at the June 29 event, told The Algemeiner, “I think the library has to review their policy with respect to allowing hate speech in the library as well as speech meant to incite violence. This is not acceptable.”

Residents — alarmed by the attacks on local Jews and a senior citizen — were hoping to hear from local officials and to participate in the Buncombe County Library Advisory Board Meeting scheduled for July 11.

That meeting — the first regularly scheduled meeting following the library attacks — was canceled. According to the Buncombe County website, three of the last five scheduled meetings of the Library Advisory Board have been canceled. Residents will now have to wait until the next scheduled meeting, which is on Sept. 12.

As reported by The Algemeiner, Moritz, Buckley, and Campbell were quietly seated along a far wall at the library on June 29, when a presenter stopped the event to express concerns that it was being live streamed by “Zionists.” Buckley was streaming the public event.

The presenter drew everyone’s attention to the three pro-Israel attendees and asked the other attendees (who were mostly masked) how to deal with the “Zionists” in the audience. The presenter joked about the possibility of a “murder here.”

The pro-Israel attendees were told to leave, with multiple people yelling out, “bye.” One attendee said, “They are not f—king welcome here,” and another was heard saying, “I don’t trust them.”

A video that was circulated on social media shows that Moritz, Buckley, and Campbell were then surrounded by large men chanting “Free Palestine” and clapping their hands directly in the victims’ faces. Buckley’s phone was then stolen.

Buckley told The Algemeiner that when she attempted to retrieve her phone, she came under mob attack, as did Moritz and Campbell. All three reported being attacked and violently dragged out of the public library. Some of this is visible on the video footage.

Campbell, a 79-year-old veteran with cancer and a heart stent, was badly beaten with large bruises clearly visible on his body. Local police encouraged Campbell to see a doctor, who found he had “severe contusions.”

During the assault, Campbell’s phone was also taken. Both phones were later found nearby.

Moritz left the event with a huge welt clearly visible on his forehead.

The city’s mayor, Esther Manheimer, issued a statement: “The members of the Asheville community deserve the right to enter any community spaces with a feeling of security. We will not tolerate violence, either against or carried out in our community. Asheville is a city that has thrived and honored the diversity of all its residents. We will continue to do so and not be cowed by individuals resorting to violence.”

Peter Reitzes writes about issues related to antisemitism and Israel.

Source of original article: World – (
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