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By: Austin S Fallah – A True Advocate for National Development in Liberia

Water, often described as the source of life, remains a fundamental basic need for human survival, yet access to it continues to delineate the line between life and death, particularly in developing nations.

In Liberia, a country still rebounding from the ravages of civil strife, the quest for clean and accessible water remains a daily struggle for many.

Despite the international community’s recognition of clean drinking water and sanitation as human rights, Liberian citizens grapple with a chronic shortage of these necessities.

This argumentative essay underscores the imperative role that the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) must play to alleviate the water crisis through the construction of groundwater towers and deeper wells in each community and emphasizes the collaboration with City Corporations around the county to ensure the program’s success.

By strengthening the water infrastructure, not only will LWSC enhance good sanitation and provide a safe water supply but also enable the spread of in-home flush toilets and address other sanitation needs, forging a path towards a healthier and more resilient Liberia.

The Current Water Crisis and Its Implications: Argument #1:

The scarcity of safe water has far-reaching implications for public health, economic development, and social stability.

Contaminated drinking water is a harbinger of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and diarrhea, which disproportionately affect children and the most vulnerable populations.

Furthermore, the lack of water security undermines economic activities, as individuals spend countless hours seeking water rather than engaging in productive work or education.

This crisis is not just a matter of inconvenience but a catalyst of cyclical poverty and morbidity.

Groundwater Towers as a Sustainable Solution: Argument # 2:

To combat the water crisis, groundwater towers stand as a beacon of hope.

These structures allow for the storage and distribution of water at a level that keeps water pressure steady, even during times of power failure, or when natural water levels fluctuate.

They also serve as a reliable buffer during dry seasons or droughts, ensuring that the water supply remains uninterrupted.

The construction of these towers by LWSC would signify a proactive step towards resiliency against climate variability and a commitment to sustainably managing the country’s water resources.

The Benefits of Developing Deeper Wells: Argument # 3:

The paradigm of constructing deeper wells transcends mere access to water.

It is about tapping into a more reliable and uncontaminated source.

Shallow wells are susceptible to contamination from surface pollutants and are less adept at providing a continuous supply.

Deeper wells, on the other hand, reach aquifers where water is naturally filtered through the earth, reducing the risk of contamination and offering a naturally renewing source.

LWSC’s initiative to drill community-based deeper wells can significantly elevate the nation’s health standards by preventing water-borne illnesses and promoting good hygiene practices.

Water Infrastructure for In-Home Sanitation Advancements: Argument # 4:

A robust water infrastructure is the bedrock upon which modern sanitation facilities rest.

The availability of an uninterrupted supply of clean water is a precondition for the realization of in-home flush toilets, which are integral to maintaining a healthy living environment.

When families have access to such sanitation facilities, they are better equipped to prevent the spread of diseases and promote personal hygiene.

This fundamental change in living conditions not only enhances the dignity of individuals but also the collective public health of communities.

The Need for Collaborative Efforts with City Corporations: Argument # 5:

Achieving water security in Liberia is not a solo endeavor for the LWSC it requires a well-orchestrated collaboration with City Corporations across the country.

City Corporations possess the local insights, community engagement capability, and implementation mechanisms critical for the success of water projects.

The synergy between the LWSC and City Corporations can lead to tailored solutions that are equipped to meet the specific water needs of each community.

Additionally, City Corporations can aid in monitoring and maintaining groundwater infrastructure, assuring its longevity and functionality.

The endeavor to supply clean, accessible, and continuous drinking water to the Liberian populace is not only an expression of meeting a basic need it is an investment in the nation’s future.

The construction of groundwater towers and deeper wells by the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation, in synergy with City Corporations, is therefore not optional but essential.

It is an embodiment of the adage, Water is life, which in its fullest implementation, would grant Liberian citizens the life they deserve one free from the chains of water scarcity and the threats it poses to their health, prosperity, and dignity.

Let it be clear that the responsibility upon LWSC is a noble charge, one that carries the weight of the nation’s well-being.

As stewards of Liberia’s water resources, it is incumbent upon them to heed this call to action and shepherd the country toward a future where clean water flows abundantly, and every Liberian can drink from the well of life without fear.

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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