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Under the MoU, Starz University will facilitate the club’s registration as a campus-based organization.

By Lewis S. Teh

Monrovia, June 26, 2024: BudgIT Liberia and Starz University have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance learning at the university.

BudgIT is a civic tech transparency organization that seeks to redefine participatory governance by presenting government data in engaging formats: simple tweets, interactive formats, or “infographic” displays.

As part of the MoU, the BudgIT Youth Club Initiative is a three-month flagship program that mentors university students from five universities.

They are the African Methodist Episcopal Zion University, African Methodist Episcopal University, United Methodist University, Starz University, and the University of Liberia.

It involves students in leadership and decision-making and spreads the culture of human rights and its values.

It bridges career development and leadership gaps among university students by building their capacity with the needed skills and knowledge to contribute to Liberia’s development, and skilled workforce.

The Club’s goal is to build a community of active students who utilize public data and training to improve students’ participation in governance and nation-building by equipping them with employable and leadership skills to enhance participatory governance. 

BudgIT Liberia Country Lead Abraham Varney said the MoU will enable students to build on their career paths and better prepare them for the job market.

“The purpose of this MoU is to clearly define the terms and conditions of a cooperative relationship between The University and BudgIT Liberia in the implementation of the BudgIT Youth Club,” he stressed.

He disclosed that the MoU will also focus on three thematic areas: Career Development, Leadership, and Fiscal Transparency Initiatives.

In remarks, the Director for Career Development at Starz University, Nabo C. Pokoi, lauded BudgIT Liberia for the initiative and the level of coordination and instrumentality.

According to him, the program will help university students explore outside-the-classroom instructional materials, enabling them to learn new skills and build their network abilities.

Under the MoU, Starz University will facilitate the club’s registration as a campus-based organization.

It will collaborate with BudgIT to organize budget awareness campaigns, info sessions, and media engagement to disseminate budget information.

The university will also monitor the coordination of the BudgIT Club activity in the university along with BudgIT and supervise the establishment of the BudgIT Youth Club Management Team along with BudgIT Liberia.

It shall work alongside BudgIT Liberia to recruit BudgIT Youth Club members in the university and support BudgIT in fundraising initiatives, such as sending recommendations to donors where required for the institution to raise funds to support and sustain club activities.

The higher learning institution will further designate a specific office or staff member to serve as a liaison between BudgIT and the university regarding this partnership.

BudGIT Liberia shall oversee the operation and management of all activities of the BudgIT Youth Club.

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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