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STAND has accused Mr. Joekai of ignoring the importance of the task assigned to him and reducing the country’s civil service to a social media police agency.

Monrovia, August 20, 2024: The Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND) has Civil Service Agency (CSA) Director General Josiah Joekai’s dismissal for allegedly creating daily chaos and fostering an environment of lawlessness.

The prominent civil society organization in Liberia issued a statement calling on President Joseph Nyuma Boakai to dismiss the CSA chief because he has lost focus on his duties and responsibilities.

The call comes as Mr. Joekai faces criticisms over the dismissals of civil servants in recent days.

“STAND views Joekai’s persistent conduct as harmful to Liberia’s peace and stability, asserting that it distracts from the government’s operations,” the release said.

“The CSA, established in 1973, is responsible for managing Liberia’s human resources through career development, recruitment, and training.”

STAND expressed disappointment that Mr. Joekai will ignore the importance of the task assigned to him and reduce the country’s civil service to a social media police agency.

The group suggested monitoring citizens’ posts and comments to determine whether they should be retained, demoted, or dismissed from civil service, which represents a significant decline in public service standards and calls for immediate action from President Boakai and stakeholders to protect the CSA’s independence.

“Joekai’s inflammatory statements and recent actions undermine the institution’s integrity and threaten Liberia’s progress, peace, and stability,” STAND continues.

STAND frowned at reports that Director Joekai has instructed government functionaries to dismiss civil servants who criticize the Office of the President.

It categorized these actions as unlawful and damaging to Liberia’s democratic principles.

“The dismissal of civil servants for expressing personal views or criticisms is a violation of their constitutional rights to free speech and expression,” the group added.

STAND emphasized that these actions signal a troubling trend toward authoritarianism, where dissent is suppressed and freedom of expression is stifled.

It noted that Liberia has endured too much suffering to revert to an era where individuals were intimidated or even killed for exercising their right to free expression.

“STAND remains committed to fighting against such actions, which threaten to erode the democratic progress Liberia has achieved,” the release stated.

Considering these concerning developments, STAND has urged President Boakai to address the challenges posed by Mr. Joekai, whose alleged unchecked and reckless behavior damages the image of the presidency.

“While STAND condemns any insults directed at the Office of the President, especially when held by a respected elder statesman, it underscores the importance of distinguishing between baseless insults and constructive criticism,” the release continued.

STAND said it supports every citizen’s right to constructive criticism of government policies but denounces the use of profanity and insults.

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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