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    Why the world needs a UN global tax convention

    The aim is to help nations around the world boost economic growth and achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 goals.Here’s...

    Driving Progress: Botswana prepares for historic UN conference on landlocked countries

    At the Third UN Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries, known as LLDC3, innovative solutions and strategic partnerships will be outlined and leveraged to “unlock the...

    UN chief urges climate justice for Pacific nations beset by rising oceans

    Speaking in Samoa, where he met residents uprooted from their homes by sea level rise and coastal erosion, Mr. Guterres said that Pacific islanders...

    Aid teams cite huge challenges in tackling new Sudan cholera outbreak

    “The needs are huge in Sudan; we are talking about people dying of hunger, we have conflict, we have protection issues, we have displacements...

    South-South cooperation can help solve ‘complex development context’

    Speaking to UN News ahead of the International Day of South-South Cooperation, Dima al-Khatib, Director of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, explained the...

    Summit of the Future Explainer: Time to rethink ‘outdated and ineffective’ international financial architecture

    “The international financial architecture is outdated and ineffective and we are simply not equipped to take on a wide range of emerging issues,” UN...

    Summit of the Future Explainer: The push to connect a digitally divided world and...

    Earlier this year, an audience in a Geneva conference hall sat captivated by a video screen carrying live pictures of a 25-year-old man in...