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Sábado chuvoso em Moçambique, previsão de cheias urbanas em Maputo, Matola e Xai- Xai...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Sábado chuvoso em Moçambique, previsão de cheias urbanas em Maputo, Matola e Xai- Xai e nas zonas ribeirinhas da bacia do...

Push of War Crimes Court shouldn’t be provocative

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Lawmaker warns that current campaign to establish a war crimes court for Liberia is provocative. By Emmanuel wise Jipoh  Bong County, Liberia, April...

The Netherlands and Seychelles to work closely on fighting cryptocurrency crimes 

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The outgoing Ambassador of the Netherlands to Seychelles, Maarten Brouwer, with President Ramkalawan. (Seychelles Nation)Photo license   The Netherlands and Seychelles will work closely...

Congé exceptionnel à l’occasion de l’Aïd Al-Fitr

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( A l’occasion de l’Aïd Al-Fitr, il a été décidé de suspendre le travail dans les administrations de l’Etat et...

Government accelerates programme to connect citizens to internet

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Government intends to connect 1.5 million households in rural and township areas by the end of the year to...

Powerful Kenyan Politicians Involved in Mombasa Drug Trade

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In the underbelly of Kenyan politics, a sinister nexus exists, there is a disturbing connection between some powerful politicians and...

Not content with social grants, public servants extend their theft to the Expanded Public...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Early this year, the Minister of Public Service and Administration – Noxolo Kiviet, revealed that 5 812 civil servants...

Decades on, no justice for Rwanda genocide crimes

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( ...

“Dá Sinal” é novo mote de marca do Standard Bank – Verdade

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( “Dá Sinal” é o mote da nova campanha de marca do Standard Bank lançada na última quarta-feira, 3 de Abril, em...

Trump has already laid out his 5-step Fascist plan

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( By Robert Reich — On Friday, Trump posted a video featuring an image of President Biden hog-tied —with hands and feet bound...

Speaker Koffa warns lawmakers  – Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The House of Representatives abruptly adjourned its first-day sitting of the 555th Legislature’s Special Session on Tuesday, 2 April 2024, because...

Seychelles’ economy has “high vulnerability to external shocks and climate change”

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( An IMF delegation, led by Todd Schneider, was in Seychelles from March 21 to April 3.(Bruno Andrade) Photo Licence: CC-BY 2.0 The International...

Une mesure “excessive”, pour l’avocat de sa fille Anouchka

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( La mesure de curatelle renforcée sous laquelle Alain Delon, 88 ans et gravement malade, a été placé jeudi est "excessive"...

KPMG bursary specialist arrested for theft, fraud and money laundering

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Friday, April 5, 2024 ...

A testament to his leadership

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( President Ruto’s exemplary leadership continues to receive recognition on a global stage. In a historic ceremony on Wednesday, April 3,...

Protesters accuse coal mining company of damaging their homes

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Community members from the towns of Phola and Ogies protested outside the head...

ACLLN quer que futuro Presidente de Moçambique seja muito diferente de Filipe Nyusi, “uma...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( ACLLN quer que futuro Presidente de Moçambique seja muito diferente de Filipe Nyusi, “uma figura que inspire a confiança no nosso...

Take concrete actions on audit findings

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The United States Government is urging the Government of Liberia to take tangible steps against the findings of audits conducted in...

Sexual reproductive health: Seychelles’ parliament signs agreement with SADC PF

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The Speaker of the Assembly, Roger Mancienne, and the secretary general of the SADC PF, Boemo Sekgoma, and the Clerk of...

de bonnes perspectives pour les cultures de printemps dans la Région Rabat-Salé-Kénitra

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( La Région Rabat-Salé-Kénitra se prépare avec optimisme au démarrage de la campagne d'installation des cultures de printemps, après avoir bénéficié...

Western Cape online learner application deadline looms

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( With only one week to go before the Grade 1 and 8 online admissions window for the 2025 school...

Humphrey Mairura’s inspiring success story

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Stepping onto American soil was like entering a whole new universe for Humphrey Mairura. As a Kenyan student at the...

Exploring AI Solutions for Economic Policymaking and Transformation in Africa

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Rob Floyd, Director for Innovation and Digital Policy at ACET, discusses the launch of a new three-year, multi-country research and policy...

South Africa urgently needs an Anti-Corruption Commission with real teach – a Scorpions 2.0

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( By Glynnis Breytenbach The fight against corruption cannot be solved through slapdash legislation which does nothing to ensure the independence of the National...