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Latest Global News and other empowering updates, policy debates, trending ideas, criticisms, provocative essays, expert analysis, commentaries, on-the-spot reporting, insights and international opportunities in the world.

The Problem with Baltimore

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( By Anthony Smooth, AAIHS — In 2015, Harvard economists Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren did a study on how the socioeconomic conditions of the...

La Journée mondiale du théâtre célébrée en grande pompe à Marrakech

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( La célébration officielle de la Journée mondiale du théâtre a été organisée, mercredi soir à Marrakech, dans le cadre de...

Indonesia launches its Road Map for Care Economy for a more Gender Equal World...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( JAKARTA (ILO News) – The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, with support from the International Labour Organization (ILO) office...

Les efforts du Maroc salués à Budapest

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Lutte contre la discrimination raciale Les efforts du Maroc salués à Budapest   ...

Kenya digital campaign to attract tourist, investors

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( ...

Kenya seeks trust amid growing digital signature landscape

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( ...

Au Zimbabwe, El Nino fait ressurgir le spectre de la faim

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Normalement d'un vert vigoureux à cette époque de l'année, les champs de maïs de Ladias Konje restent tristement jaunis par...

Deacon Christian Toulon: Holiness of priests and nuns in Seychelles should inspire young people

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( (Seychelles News Agency) - December 2023 was a special month for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Port Victoria in Seychelles –...

Boakai making mockery of War Crimes Court

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Judge Dixon contends that a ‘mere resolution’ passed by members of the House of Representatives cannot be used to establish the...

L’indice des prix à la consommation en légère baisse à Marrakech à fin février

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( L’indice des prix à la consommation (IPC), dans la ville de Marrakech, a connu, au cours du mois de février...

The men who fell from that bridge are the people who build our nation

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( You can’t pray for the workers in Baltimore and also be against their dream to come to America. By Petula Dvorak, The...

Judge accuses Boakai of nepotism, tribalism 

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Judge Dixon alleges that seven out of every ten appointments are allegedly for President Boakai’s kinsmen from Lofa County.  By Lincoln G....

Un chiffre d’affaires record de 801,5 MMDH en 2022

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Le chiffre d'affaires du secteur industriel a atteint un record de 801,5 milliards de dirhams (MMDH) au titre de l'exercice...

Trump au tribunal, Biden dans la cuisine

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( C'est une campagne qui promet d'être unique à défaut d'être trépidante. La course à la Maison Blanche va opposer deux...

China to begin LBS expansion phase two project 

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Following a 2006 Technical Assistance Agreement, Liberia and China handed over a renovated and fully equipped LBS facility to the Liberian...

Le Maroc et l’Italie signent l’Accord sur la reconnaissance mutuelle des permis de conduire

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Le gouvernement du Royaume du Maroc et le gouvernement de la République italienne ont procédé, mercredi à Rome, à...

‘It Is in America’s Interest to See Hamas Crushed’: Experts on Why a Rafah...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Israel must operate in Rafah, Hamas’ last stronghold, if it wishes to achieve its war objective of eliminating the threat posed...

World News in Brief: Russia vetoes DPR Korea sanctions resolution, children under fire in...

This in effect abolishes the monitoring of UN sanctions against the country, more commonly known as North Korea, blocking the extension of the panel...

Fatima Nouali Azar, membre du jury de la compétition des courts métrages

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Les organisateurs du Festival du film arabe de Malmö, dont la quatorzième édition se tiendra du 22 au 28 avril...

Why Kenyan Diaspora David Wachira Started Digital Banking

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Every year, Kenyans living abroad send hundreds of billions of shillings home using non-inclusive banking and financial services. For most, they...

Russia: Rights experts condemn continued imprisonment of Evan Gershkovich

The 32-year-old Wall Street Journal reporter was arrested last March in Yekatarinburg on espionage charges and is being held at the infamous Lefortovo prison...

US House Committee Announces Investigation Into Antisemitism at Rutgers University

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Rutgers University in New Jersey has been named as the latest school being investigated by the US House Committee on Education...

Melhoria das condições de trabalho nos hospitais e de atendimento aos pacientes “deve ser...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Melhoria das condições de trabalho nos hospitais e de atendimento aos pacientes “deve ser imperativo nacional” em Moçambique – Verdade ...
Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News (, World’s #1 Online Multimedia News Provider Devoted to International Diaspora and their Stakeholders. © All rights reserved.

The toll of Haiti’s escalating armed violence by the numbers

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( By Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald — Heavily armed members of Haiti’s armed group continue to wreak havoc in the country’s capital. As...