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    Latest Lifestyle News, Beauty News, Culture News, Opinion News and other empowering updates, policy debates, trending ideas, criticisms, provocative essays, expert analysis, commentaries, on-the-spot reporting, insights and opportunities related to Lifestyle and Culture from around the globe.

    Israel’s Targeting of Hamas Commander Marwan Issa Was a Legal Operation

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Under authoritative international rules, Israel’s mid-March targeting of senior Hamas commander Marwan Issa was law-enforcing. Among other egregious crimes, Issa was...

    Gaza Aid-Worker Tragedy Risks Overshadowing IDF Efforts to Protect Humanitarian Routes

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – Monday night’s unintentional Israeli drone strike on a World Central Kitchen aid convoy traveling along the Gaza coast, in...

    Tehran’s Weapons of Mass Distraction

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – In 1993, a massive truck bomb exploded at the World Trade Center, the first major international terrorist attack on...

    Israel Cannot Afford to Be a Nation that Dwells Alone

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – Oceans of pixels have already been consumed in examining the recent dustup between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and...

    A Bad Taste in the Mouth

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – For several years now, my media consumption habits have been guided in part by what I call my “escape...

    Gaza: ‘Systematic dismantling of healthcare must end’ says WHO

    That’s the assessment following a WHO-led multi-agency mission to  Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza on 5 April which examined the extent of destruction following...

    Why Gaza Fatality Data Has Become Completely Unreliable

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Heated debates over the Palestinian death toll in the Hamas-Israel war tend to focus on the fact that widely cited fatality...

    UK Paper Attempts to Understand the ‘Real Hamas’

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( “What is the real Hamas?” is the question that journalist Joshua Leifer seeks to answer in a 6,000-word Guardian feature that...

    How Can Israel Hold a Real Discussion on Values Promoted by National Security?

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Protecting a country from threats, or, in the case of Israel, ensuring its survival, is the organic and self-evident essence of...

    Fighting Hatred at the United Nations, One Person at a Time

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( This week I met one of my heroes. What was even nicer is that this hero didn’t turn out to be...

    Columbia University Is Failing to Protect Its Jewish Students

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( There is good reason Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, and the co-chairs of its Board of Directors have been called to testify...

    No Due Diligence: Media Silent on Terror-Supporting Ministers of New PA Cabinet

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Media outlets should always report the facts — but also questions about them. Last week, however, the media reported on the...

    Why Do We Keep Kosher?

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( After dealing with the sacrificial system, and the roles that priests play within it, the Torah turns to the laws of...

    Palestinian Authority TV: Israeli Hostages Are ‘Left Happy and Laughing’

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( An Israeli woman who was held hostage by Hamas recently revealed that she was sexually assaulted by her captor. And she...

    We Must Urgently Address the Political Process for After the Gaza War

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The war in Gaza has now been going on for six months, yet to this day, there has been no effort...

    Documented Proof: Outrages Happening on College Campuses Against Israel

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In March, anti-Israel activities on college campuses were characterized by the rapid revival of resolutions or referendums, which frequently accused Israel...

    ‘Revitalized’ Palestinian Authority: New Minister of Women’s Affairs Is a Brazen Terror Supporter

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The Palestinian Authority (PA) has announced a new government as part of its fulfillment of the US demand for a “revitalized”...

    The Media’s Reaction to Al Jazeera’s Oct. 7 Documentary Is Revealing

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Al Jazeera’s latest feature-length documentary, titled October 7, holds few surprises. Those familiar with the Qatari-owned media organization will know that it...

    Biden Needs to Stand By His Promises, Not Try to Appease Anti-Israel Voters

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( President Biden finds himself in a political predicament: by providing military aid and diplomatic support for Israel, he has alienated many...

    Damage Done: How Al Jazeera’s Fake Rape Story Harmed Israel’s Reputation in Less than...

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( A popular adage states that “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its...

    Free Speech Is Being Threatened — and Jews Will Pay the Price

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In my youth, I always regarded free, reasoned, civilized speech to be one of the most important and positive features of...

    What Would ‘Total Victory’ Mean in Gaza?

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In recent years, the concept of decisive victory has eroded in Israel, but October 7 brought it forcefully back to the...

    Joe Lieberman Was a True Man of Faith

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (   I was deeply saddened by Senator Joseph “Joe” Lieberman’s passing earlier this week. A colossus in American politics, Senator Lieberman exemplified...