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    Latest Lifestyle News, Beauty News, Culture News, Opinion News and other empowering updates, policy debates, trending ideas, criticisms, provocative essays, expert analysis, commentaries, on-the-spot reporting, insights and opportunities related to Lifestyle and Culture from around the globe.

    Letter From 19 US Senators Contains a Dangerous Rhetorical Change for Israel

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Nineteen Democratic US senators have called on President Biden to “recognize a nonmilitarized Palestinian state.” Until now, Congressional supporters of Palestinian...

    Hezbollah Offensive Would Be Oct. 7 on Steroids, Observers Say

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – Thousands of rockets, thousands of casualties and devastating strikes to major infrastructure, cutting off water and electricity to Israel’s...

    What Hostages? Media Ignore Hamas’ Captives, Oct. 7 Massacre

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( For the past five months, Israel has repeatedly stated its aims in the war against Hamas: destroy the terrorist organization, and...

    Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens Are Spreading False Messages About Jews

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In recent weeks, a number of people have opined that Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens are antisemitic. Personally, I’m not sure...

    Rutgers Must Protect Jewish Students From Antisemitic Referenda

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is awash in a wave of antisemitic rhetoric and actions. This moment, with Jewish...

    Israel Must Carry Out Its Mission, and Ignore Biden and Sullivan

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan thinks Israel is making a major error. “A major ground operation would be a mistake,”...

    Bomb Threats in the Naked City

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – It’s the email no parent wants to receive: “Emergency Building Evacuations” read the subject line. “This morning, we were...

    The Russian Dictator’s Double Terrorism Standards

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – Following Friday’s massacre at the Crocus City Hall concert venue in the outskirts of Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin...

    War Is Hell. Everywhere. –

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( – “War,” the Union Army Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman is famously said to have told a group of army cadets...

    How a Letter From Jewish Clergy Undermines Israel and Harms Jews

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( This week, a group of American rabbis, cantors, and student clergy, under the banner of an organization called T’ruah, wrote a letter...

    Golden Age of American Jewry May Be Ending, But Jews Thrive in Meritocracy

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The headlines seem bleak for Jews: “The Golden Age of American Jews is Ending”; “Jewish Erasure From American Life”; “The Vanishing.”...

    Israel Must Enter Rafah to Defeat Hamas and Prevent Future Terror Attacks

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( I say this not to make a grand emotional gesture, but to point out that as someone with countless family and...

    I’m a Fashion Designer, and I Wear My Israeli Pride

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Fashion can be used to express yourself, make a statement, and show what you believe in. As a clothing designer myself,...

    New York Times Reporting From Gaza Should Carry a Warning Label: ‘Restricted by Hamas’

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The New York Times appears to be yielding to immense outside pressure to tilt its Gaza war coverage even further against...

    Purim, Amalek, and the Shabbat to Remember

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The Shabbat before Purim is always called Shabbat Zachor — the Shabbat to Remember. It specifically refers to the battle that took...

    Despite Deadly Stabbing, Hopeful Signs for Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Israeli soldier Uri Moyal’s visit to a café in southern Israel last Thursday ended up being his last. While Moyal waited in...

    Port of No Return: The US Plan for Aid Relief in Gaza

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The US has chosen to cross the Rubicon. In his 2024 State of the Union address, President Biden reminded Americans, “The...

    Israel Must Stop the Red Cross From Providing ‘Economic Incentive for Terrorist Activity’

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been complicit in the facilitation of rewards to imprisoned Palestinian terrorists. In...

    Stories from the UN Archive: Poetic traditions at the UN

    UN rumour has it that the unofficial tradition began almost 40 years ago, when a delegate from the United Kingdom requested the floor to...

    Media Belatedly Corrects False Story of NJ Synagogue ‘Sale’ of ‘Palestinian Land’

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( On March 6, more than 20 McClatchy news sites across the United States commendably pulled a false United Press International (UPI)...

    Voice of America Whitewashes Terror Backgrounds of Gazan Journalists

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In the early morning hours of March 18, 2024, Israeli forces raided Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza to remove the Hamas...

    Reported US-Iran Talks Explain Saudi Sitting Out Red Sea Operations

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Wafic Safa, a top Hezbollah official, is on an unprecedented visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country that classifies...

    Netanyahu Made a Huge Mistake in Suspending Eylon Levy

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In a terrible PR decision, Eylon Levy — the brilliant spokesperson for the Israeli government — has been suspended by the...

    Hezbollah Is Still Firing Rockets into Israel, But Not According to the Press

    Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( In their March 13 Reuters article, reporters Maya Gebeily, Laila Bassam, and Henriette Chacar turned Hezbollah rocket attacks against Israel into...