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Senator Zoe Pennue feels obligated to appreciate the government when the right thing is done in the people’s interest, though he remains an opposition lawmaker.

By Ethel A. Tweh

Monrovia, July 18, 2024: Opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) Senator Mr. Zoe Emmanuel Pennue has commended the government’s improvement of the road corridor in his county, Grand Gedeh, saying it has significantly dropped commodity prices.

“The current road conditions are easily accessible during this rainy season, making the prices of goods in the county very reasonable,” Senator Pennue told legislative reporters on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at the Capitol.

Mr. Pennue’s commendation of the Unity Party (UP)- led government’s intervention in Liberia’s deplorable road conditions is contrary to his CDC party’s incessant criticism of the regime.

The CDC and other opposition parties continue to bombard the Joseph Nyuma Boakai-led government for allegedly violating public procurement provisions by acquiring earth-moving equipment intended for road construction and agriculture.

The government has clarified that it has not reached any agreement with the machines’ importer, but it noted that should there be any agreement from an ongoing engagement with the importer, it will seek legislative approval.

Notwithstanding, road maintenance work has been ongoing to recondition deplorable areas and enable the movement of vehicles between counties. At the same time, the government seeks to acquire 285 machines for distribution within the 15 counties here.

Meanwhile, Senator Pennue has thanked President Boakai for the immense work done on the road of Grand Gedeh County for the past months since he took over as President.

He commended the administration’s commitment to maintaining and improving road corridors within the southeast part of Liberia, highlighting the progress made so far, which previous governments failed to do. During the CDC’s six years of rule, many parts of the southeast’s roads were almost accessible, compelling commuters, including politicians and businesspeople, to travel through neighboring Cote d’Ivoire before entering Maryland, for instance.

Due to the UP-led government’s intervention, Pennue explained that a 25kg bag of rice, which was previously sold for LD$ 8,000, has now significantly dropped to LD$ 3,800.

He noted that the price difference from what is in Montserrado County is just LD$300.

He added that gasoline was previously sold for LD$2,000 in Grand Gedeh County but is now sold for LD$900.

Due to the drop in gas prices and the improved road conditions, Pennue added that transportation costs from Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh County, to Ganta City, Nimba County, have dropped from 10,000 to 3,000.

He detailed that before the intervention, commuters took about 13 hours to travel from Zwedru to Ganta, but the transport time has now been reduced to just 4 hours.

Pennue said though he is a member of the former ruling party, he will thank the UP-led government when it does the right thing. However, he also noted that he would criticize the government if it did anything wrong.

“Though I am a CDCian, … I am a Liberian. When the right thing is done in the interest of the people, we should say it and be appreciative,” he said.

Pennue recalled that during former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s administration, the people of Grand Gedeh benefited from a community college, which is the only midwifery school in the county. 

Regarding the yellow machines brought into the country, Senator Pennue said there was no agreement on yellow machines before the legislature.

However, he said if the people of Grand Gedeh County informed him, even in his dream, that he should vote for any agreement concerning the yellow machines, he would do so. 

The CDC lawmaker indicated that he heard when all those machines come, every county will benefit from about 19 pieces each.

Senator Pennue revealed that he felt a divine instruction from the people of Grand Gedeh County in a dream, urging him to back any forthcoming yellow machines agreement. 

He expressed confidence that the arrival of these machines would significantly enhance road conditions across Liberia, particularly in regions facing severe infrastructural challenges.

He attributed these improvements to the collaborative efforts of President Boakai and the dedicated team at the Ministry of Public Works.

He also thanked the Senate President Pro-Tempore Nyonblee Kangar Lawrence, the former Pro-Tempore Albert T. Chie, and all committee members for the work they have done to develop his county’s road.

“I am not talking for the whole of Southeast, neither am I talking for the whole country. I appreciate this administration for the improvement on Grand Gedeh road,” Pennue noted. 

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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