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from PHYLLIS BIRORI in Kigali, Rwanda
Rwanda Bureau
KIGALI, (CAJ News) – CHINA is empowering Rwandan tertiary scholars on e-commerce.

This is part of the Asian economic powerhouse’s aim of helping Africa to join the booming Chinese live streaming e-commerce and establishing channels for more cooperation.

It is hoped that students could make a breakthrough and enter the world of live streaming e-commerce through a combination of education and entertainment.

This is under the aegis of the Chinese Language + Live Streaming E-commerce Online Training Camp, where scholars are to complete a seven-day live streaming e-commerce skills training courses.

Fang Jialin, a trainer, believes the students cherished the training opportunity, took the courses seriously, actively participated in interaction, and strove to complete each task in Chinese.

“Their performance was excellent,” Jialin remarked.

There have been 75 trainees in the initial camp,

They used the live streaming e-commerce training room built by Jinhua Polytechnic on Musangze campus to participate in the online interaction and follow-up training.

Among them, 15 students participated in the offline training.

Included in the first batch of the China-Africa (Rwanda) Applied Talent Joint Training Programme they are currently studying e-commerce at Jinhua Polytechnic.

To achieve better training results, the project team chose the teaching location at the e-commerce base of the Shuangyi Teaching Company.

– CAJ News

Source of original article: CAJ News Africa (
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