Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
Yaoundé — On February 25,2025, The International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) hosted a workshop on Migration and Trade, organized by the WTO Chair of IRIC and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This event, which had as theme “Cross-Border Trade and Economic Immigration in Central Africa,” aimed to strengthen participants’ capacities on the links between trade and migration.
With the overall objective of building a collaborative reflection between academics and practitioners on the correlation between cross-border trade and population immigration within the Central African sub-region, this workshop served as a genuine peer-learning platform. Participants could discover innovative initiatives and projects in different national contexts, thus promoting better integration of these concepts into their strategies and policies.
In addition to the participation of representatives from public administrations responsible for trade issues in Central African countries, the workshop comprised four distinct sessions, was enriched by the contributions of Mr. Abdel Rahmane DIOP, Chief of Mission of IOM in Cameroon, and Professor Alain Didier OLINGA, holder of the WTO Chair.
IOM Cameroon presented two critical tools for the monitoring of cross-border movements: the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) and the Flow Monitoring component of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). MIDAS is an innovative border management system that allows for the real-time collection and analysis of migration data. Furthermore, the Flow Monitoring component enables the tracking and analysis of mobility trends at strategic points, thereby enhancing the understanding of migration dynamics within the sub-region.
During the first session of the workshop, participants established a shared understanding of the significant connections between trade and migration, along with the relevant consultation frameworks. The second session concentrated on identifying strategies that multilateral organizations can adopt to optimize the interrelationships between cross-border trade and immigration in Central Africa. The third session provided a comprehensive overview of the migration challenges impacting the economies of the sub-region. Lastly, the final session was dedicated to formulating policies addressing cross-border trade and migration.
In addition to migration and economic issues, the gender dimension was emphasized through detailed presentations. These discussions highlighted the essential role of women in the economic sector, articulated the importance of their empowerment, and underscored the necessity of mitigating the vulnerabilities they encounter.
Partners, including IOM and WTO, have reiterated their commitment to assisting the countries of Central Africa in the implementation of effective cross-border trade and migration strategies and policies. They aim to leverage innovative tools to foster more effective border management and to enhance the understanding of migration dynamics.
Joëlle TSANGA, IOM Cameroon 2025
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Source of original article: International Organization for Migration (
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