Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (

  • Please find attached photos here and here of DA Leader John Steehuisen casting his ballots. He was accompanied by his daughter, Caroline.
  • Please find attached a soundbite by John Steenhuisen.

Today I cast my ballot for the 2024 General Election at Northwood School in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

This is a critical election for South Africa. It is our one chance for change. Tomorrow can be a better country.

The DA urges South Africans to seize this opportunity to end the ANC’s decades of governance that has been characterised by unemployment, load-shedding, crime and corruption, and inability to deliver on promises.

The DA calls on voters to choose change and endorse a DA-led coalition government, which will bring about the change needed to build a safer and more prosperous country.

By casting a vote for the DA, voters will be choosing the path of accountability, growth, and a commitment to a better tomorrow for all South Africans.

The DA’s campaign has resonated with the sentiment of many voters who are looking to rescue South Africa and install a new government that can effectively address the country’s challenges.

As South Africans across the nation head to the polls, the DA urges South Africans to make sure that tomorrow is a Better Country.

Source of original article: Democratic Alliance (
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