Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (

Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Siviwe Gwarube MP.

This morning, during the National Assembly’s Programming Committee, the DA argued that the secret salary hike of over 70% of the Secretary to Parliament must be investigated.

The secret salary hike was approved by the then Speaker of the National Assembly, Nosiviwe Mapisa – Nqakula and NCOP Chairperson, Amos Masondo. The matter was hidden from Parliament and all its decision- making bodies. The salary was mysteriously hiked from the R2.6 million a year that was advertised to over R4 million with no explanation.

I took the matter to the Joint Standing Committee of Financial Management of Parliament (JSCFMP) to probe; the ANC blocked those efforts. I took the matter to the Powers and Privileges Committee for investigation; the ANC elected to sweep the matter under the carpet.

It is a victory that the Acting Speaker will table the matter with the JSCFMP which is tasked with oversight of the Parliamentary budget.

This matter needs a resolution before this term ends. Gone are the days where the ANC gets to play fast and loose with the people’s Parliament and not be held accountable for it.

The DA will not let this matter go.

Source of original article: Democratic Alliance (
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