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Please find attached a soundbite by Willie Aucamp MP.

The DA welcomes the South African Poultry Association (SAPA) endorsement of the Government of National Unity’s changed position to add chicken as another VAT-free essential food item.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, during his Opening of Parliament address, announced that the government will add protein-rich foods like chicken and peanut butter to the VAT-free food basket. This is a significant victory for the DA and demonstrates its long-standing policy whereby basic food should be made accessible to all South Africans at affordable prices.

The DA has been pleading this case for years now, arguing that poor households must be relieved of their financial burdens. We are happy with our relentless efforts together with millions of like-minded South Africans who have taken us a step closer to realising this goal.

Chicken is not only South Africa’s most widespread meat but also an important source of cheap protein for millions of low-income families including vulnerable children in poor homes. The far-reaching impact of doing away with 15% VAT on these products cannot be over-emphasised. This will ease the burden on consumers while ensuring the availability and affordability of vital nutrients for the neediest population groups.

Cost-of-living issues remain a major concern for many South Africans. Exempting chicken from VAT is a decisive step towards addressing these challenges and promoting economic equity across the nation.

The DA remains committed to advocating for policies that stimulate economic growth, foster job creation, and ensure that every South African has access to basic necessities without undue financial strain.

Source of original article: Democratic Alliance (
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