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Amid the EPA’s enforcement efforts, the agency’s head complains that they continue to see violations everywhere.

By Lincoln G. Peters 

Monrovia, June 24, 2024: Liberia’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking the Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ’s) intervention to prosecute companies that violate environmental laws.

Over the weekend, EPA Executive Director Dr. Emmanuel King Urey-Yarkpawolo complained about companies that did not comply with the Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia.

He threatened them with closure and the imposition of more fines for violating Liberia’s Environmental Protection and Management Law. 

Dr. Yarkpawolo called for prosecuting those disobeying ‘stop orders,’ stressing that this requires the involvement of the Ministry of Justice.

He revealed that the EPA would possibly contact the Ministry of Justice to prosecute violators.

The EPA has undertaken waves of demolition of illegal structures constructed in the wetlands.

Despite this, Dr. Yarkpawolo lamented that wetlands are still heavily under threat and vowed that they would continue their enforcement efforts. 

“This is why the EPA has undertaken a number of actions to ensure wetlands protection and flood controls,” he said.

He noted that the EPA has imposed fines on a few companies and closed down some for violating Liberia’s Environmental Protection and Management Law.

“Companies violating the law should expect more fines and closures,” Yarkpawolo disclosed. 

The EPA chief disclosed that his agency has instituted “Stop Orders” to violators to prohibit unsustainable backfilling activities in major wetland areas.  

“This has been partially successful with some violators obeying the stop orders. There is a need to prosecute violators who are disobeying the stop orders which requires the involvement of the Ministry of Justice,” Dr. Yarkpawolo noted.

“We will be contacting the Ministry of Justice for possible prosecution of violators,” he assured. 

In addition to developing wetland policy, he said the EPA has undertaken actions to raise public awareness about the values and benefits of wetlands as well as promoting the conservation and wise use of wetlands and other resources. 

He mentioned that programs such as the Eco-Clubs are useful in these awareness and education efforts, particularly focusing on children.  

Amid these enforcement efforts, he said the EPA still sees violations everywhere. But he cautioned that compliance with laws is less costly and oftentimes better than enforcement and punishment. 

Commenting on the issue of flooding and its impact on Liberia and the world, Dr. Yarkpawolo said there’s so much flooding in Liberia because of climate change and global warming.

“Let me bring this down to the current realities of Monrovia and other urban areas across Liberia. These are the places that absorb the water when the rain falls,” he said.

“Since the water has to find its way, it enters our homes and destroys our belongings, destroys our livelihoods, and in recent times caused the death of children in the Omega community,” Dr. Yarkpawolo explained.

He urged all communities in Liberia to establish community environmental clubs. At these clubs, he said, citizens would take the cleanliness of their communities into their own hands and help police their environment. 

“That is why we need to support, and we will support the school environmental clubs or eco-club programs,” he assured.

“At these clubs, children will learn about their environment and appreciate their efforts in conserving it.”

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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