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The Government of Liberia concedes that implementing its ambitious 100-Day Action Plan short landed, because of constraints.

Monrovia, Liberia, May 27, 2024—Despite reporting initial successes in its 100-Day Deliverable, otherwise known as the 100-Day Action Plan, the Government of Liberia admits here that the Plan, whose counting process began with President Joseph Nyuma Boakai’s inauguration on January 22, 2024, was far behind the 100 days projected for implementation.

The government notes that the counting of the 100-Day Action Plan started when the formation of the Cabinet had not been completed and that by the time a full Cabinet was in place, counting had already started and was in progress, so it was indeed behind schedule in delivering on time.

It further notes that re-calling the FY2024 national budget resulted in the unavailability of resources needed to implement major interventions considered within the 100-Day Action Plan.

According to the government, the implementation of the 100-Day Plan has hatched several policy concerns that future short-term plans should consider in order to proceed smoothly but steadily.

However, it reports that with support from national and international stakeholders, the administration responded to most of the interventions spelled out in the Plan amid several challenges, including delayed passage of the FY2024 National Budget and confirmation of elected officials.

The report details that during the first 100 days, the government initiated or completed 64 of the 87 interventions, a success rate of 74 percent.

“The Government worked exceedingly hard to stabilize critical spots along major road corridors, ensuring that the promise of accessibility of roads during the rainy season is actualized. Also, the fight against corruption featured highly during the period under review”, the 53-page document reads.

It adds that drainage and sewage systems across Monrovia and Paynesville are being cleaned and restored, which has improved sanitation in the capital and its environs. Meanwhile, the government has initiated payments of arrears to the West African Examination Council (WASSCE), which administers the regional exams for 12th graders.

This is in addition to scholarships for Liberian students both at home and abroad, an Information & Communication Technology training program for 10,000 youth has been launched, and the recruitment process is ongoing. Substantial progress has also been made in public administration, especially in fiscal policy and civil service reform, among other areas.

The administration puts the total number of interventions in the 100-Day Action Plan at 87, with 20 funded interventions constituting 23 percent of the total, while the remaining 67 interventions are routine, representing 77 percent.

It says the status of the interventions is either completed, ongoing, or pending, with the ongoing and completed portions of the work constituting progress made so far.

However, the report combines the completed and ongoing interventions because some interventions, such as road maintenance, drainage, and sewage cleaning, are ongoing.

It adds that the combined number of completed and ongoing interventions is 64, which constitutes 74 percent of the total interventions, while the remaining 20 interventions, representing 26 percent, are pending.

The government says the goal of the 100-Day Action Plan is to create immediate relief for the Liberian population by intervening in critical priority sectors; hence, four mutually reinforcing strategic objectives were developed.

 They include enhancing transparency and accountability in governance by implementing robust anti-corruption measures, enforcing the rule of law, strengthening financial oversight, and promoting ethical practices across all sectors to combat corruption effectively.

The Plan also seeks to improve infrastructure development and accessibility by prioritizing the maintenance of primary road corridors, enhancing sanitation services, and upgrading ICT and meteorological equipment. It also aims to increase educational opportunities and combat drug and substance abuse by implementing immediate interventions to support quality education and provide support services for at-risk individuals.

 The government says the Plan is being coordinated through a structured mechanism headed by the National Steering Committee, chaired by President Boakai, and coordinated by the Director of the Cabinet.

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and the President’s Office jointly lead monitoring and reporting, while the coordination mechanism is a multi-stakeholder arrangement that brings together policymakers, technicians, and relevant development partners to accelerate the effective implementation of the President’s earmarked interventions.

Critics say the Boakai Administration has failed in its first 100 days, given that it could not meet all of the deliverables within the timeline announced.

However, keen observers counter that 100 days of a new government that took more than 90 days to form a full Cabinet, challenged by a delayed budget, could not have performed miracles. Report compiled by Jonathan Browne  

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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