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Minister Modad says he is disappointed by the decision of the House of Representatives to charge him with contempt.

By Bridgett Milton 

Monrovia, May 31, 2024: The House of Representatives has issued a contempt charge against Commerce Minister Mr. Amin Modad for failing to appear before the plenary on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

He had been summoned by the House Plenary to go and provide clarification on the rice issues in the country but failed to appear.

Appearing before the House of Representatives on Thursday, 30 May 2024, Minister Modad came under serious tension from members of the House of Representatives.

They accused him of lying to them about his inability to appear before that body because he was traveling out of the country.

However, Minister Modad was seen on social media at another function in the county at the same time that he claimed he was traveling. Modad later told lawmakers that his trip had been canceled.

The lawmakers said they saw the Minister’s action as disrespectful, and they want him to appear next Tuesday with his lawyer to explain why he should not be held in contempt.

The plenary’s decision to summon Minister Modad followed a communication from Montserrado County Electoral District #9 Representative Frank Saah Foko and Grand Bassa County Representative Matthew Joe expressing concerns over the rice price hike.

On Monday, 20 May 2024, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry announced that the government and rice importers agreed to raise the price of a bag of rice from $16.50 to $18.50. 

That decision was later changed when President Joseph Nyumah Boakai met with rice importers, ordering the return of rice price to $16.50.

Based on the importance of the communications from both lawmakers, the House plenary instructed the Clerk, Madam Mildred Sayon, to invite Minister Modad to provide clarity on the matter formally.

Speaking to a team of reporters after he was issued a contempt charge, Minister Modad expressed disappointment over the House of Representatives’ decision to discharge him under the contempt charge.

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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