Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (

These figures on investment have not been adjusted for calendar effects. May 2024 had the same number of working days as May 2023. According to the CBS Investment Radar for July, conditions for investment in the Netherlands are now less unfavourable than they were in May.

2020 June -1.9
2020 July -1
2020 August -17.5
2020 September -1
2020 October -4.2
2020 November -1.9
2020 December 1.3
2021 January -4.7
2021 February -7.5
2021 March 8.8
2021 April 10.1
2021 May 10.7
2021 June 8.9
2021 July 3.2
2021 August -1.1
2021 September -0.1
2021 October -2.4
2021 November 1.7
2021 December 3.1
2022 January -5.6
2022 February 5.6
2022 March -2.9
2022 April 1.2
2022 May 9.8
2022 June 4.7
2022 July 1.8
2022 August 7.6
2022 September 7.3
2022 October 6.9
2022 November 5.8
2022 December 1.4
2023 January 9.8
2023 February 4.5
2023 March 3.3
2023 April -2.3
2023 May 7.1
2023 June 4.6
2023 July -0.7
2023 August 5.9
2023 September -4.8
2023 October -0.9
2023 November -5
2023 December -7.9
2024 January -5
2024 February -2.2
2024 March -8.7
2024 April 6.5
2024 May -6.8


Investment climate less unfavourable in July

Every month, CBS publishes an update on the investment climate in the CBS Investment Radar. Factors that are relevant to the investment climate include the situation in sales markets and the financial markets. Although the radar indicators correlate fairly well with fixed investment, improved conditions do not necessarily result in greater growth or a smaller contraction in investment.

According to the CBS Investment Radar for July, the investment climate in the Netherlands is less unfavourable in July than it was in May. This is mainly because the year-on-year decline in exports is smaller and the year-on-year rise in share prices is larger. On the other hand, manufacturers are more negative about their order positions.

With effect from the reporting month of May 2024, the base year for investments in tangible fixed assets changed from 2015 to 2021. The new series also includes the recently implemented revision of the national accounts.

Source of original article: Statistics Netherlands (CBS) (
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