Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (
Brussels – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a new European legal framework for returns, recognizing the need for a system that is effective and fair. The Organization particularly welcomes its encouragement of voluntary returns and reintegration as part of a balanced and humane approach to migration governance.
Robust, well-run return systems are essential to maintaining the integrity of migration and asylum policies in support of States’ sovereign right to regulate migration. Effective systems also preserve the integrity of a migrant’s right to return voluntarily and with dignity.
While IOM recognizes the challenges in managing and improving returns, we encourage the EU to maintain robust safeguards to ensure that returns are carried out in a humane and dignified manner.
Effective return policies should not only focus on the act of return itself but also afford returnees the opportunities needed to rebuild their lives and reintegrate into their communities in a sustainable manner. Reintegration efforts in countries of origin can be linked to local development initiatives that also address drivers of irregular migration.
Collaboration between the European Commission, EU Member States, EU agencies, third countries, and international partners will be crucial for implementing the new legal framework when approved. Enhancing national return mechanisms, improving national and EU-wide coordination, and fostering reintegration ownership in third countries can contribute to a more comprehensive and balanced approach.
IOM notes that the proposal also lays the basis for external solutions such as return hubs. The Organization stands ready to advise and assist States in the design and operationalization of innovative return policy that is both effective and in line with European and international law.
For more information please contact:
In Brussels: Ryan Schroeder,, +32 492 25 02 34
Source of original article: International Organization for Migration (
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