Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (

i24 News — Captain Alon Sacgiu, a 22-year-old Israeli soldier from Hadera serving in the Kfir Brigade, was killed during a military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed.

The operation targeted Hamas infrastructure and aimed to arrest terrorists and dismantle terror networks.

The mission began with a preliminary raid that resulted in the capture of several wanted individuals. As the troops moved further into the operation, one of the snipers triggered an explosive device.

Following the initial explosion, a rescue team attempted to aid the injured. However, a second explosive was detonated during the rescue effort, leading to additional casualties.

The incident resulted in one soldier killed, six moderately injured, and ten lightly injured. The IDF reported that the injured were transported to nearby hospitals for treatment.

The mission’s objective was to arrest terrorists and dismantle terror infrastructure in Jenin. Reports state that several improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were activated against their forces during the operation.

Palestinian sources reported that 25 individuals were arrested overnight across the West Bank, including at least eight suspects in Jenin. Among those detained was senior Fatah member Jamal Hawail.

Source of original article: Israel – (
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