Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (

i24 News – Two Israeli women, including a former Hamas hostage, were subjected to harassment and humiliation by a Dutch security guard at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport on Friday.

The incident occurred as the women arrived under the auspices of the Israeli Defense Ministry to discuss the situation in Israel.

According to reports, the security guard, who is of Pakistani origin and Muslim faith, allegedly harassed, detained, and humiliated the women after noticing their Israeli passports. He claimed they had no right to be in a certain line and threatened them with fines if they did not comply with his instructions.

The women, who requested anonymity, stated that the security guard publicly humiliated them in front of other passengers, shouting at them and ordering their detention. They also reported that he repeatedly emphasized their Israeli nationality and airline affiliation.

One of the women recounted the ordeal, describing it as a humiliating experience unlike any she had encountered before. She noted the security guard’s hostile behavior and alleged intentional mistreatment due to their Israeli passports.

The Israeli Embassy in the Netherlands confirmed awareness of the incident and indicated that similar cases had occurred recently. They vowed to address the matter comprehensively with Dutch authorities to prevent such incidents from recurring.

This incident highlights concerns about discrimination and mistreatment faced by Israeli travelers, emphasizing the need for increased awareness and sensitivity among airport staff. Israeli officials are calling for a thorough investigation and measures to prevent future occurrences of such discriminatory behavior.

Source of original article: World – (
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