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from MARIA MACHARIA in Nairobi, Kenya
Kenya Bureau
NAIROBI, (CAJ News) – PRESSURE is mounting on the National Police Service of Kenya (NPS) after a veteran journalist was violently arrested in a case of mistaken identity.

Early on Wednesday, officers apprehended journalist, Macharia Gaitho, while leaving his home in the Karen region of the capital, Nairobi.

NPS later on the day reported this was a case of mistaken identity, meant for the arrest of Francis Gaitho, a politician the police said was a subject of their investigation.

Macharia has since been released and Francis reported he would hand himself to police on Wednesday afternoon.

The fumble by officers has heaped pressure on police, coming a day after journalist Catherine Wanjeri Kariuki sustained severe injuries after police shot at journalists during anti-government protests in Nakuru.

She was hit by rubber bullets but police are accused of using live ammunition during the demonstrations.

NPS has denied accusations of a crackdown against media personnel.

“We reiterate that as a service, we do not target journalists in any way, and today’s incident is highly regrettable,” police stated on Wednesday.

Macharia Gaitho, Kenya journalist

“The National Police Service remains committed to working with the media while discharging our mandate of promoting accountability and transparency.”

Kenya’s police chief, Japhet Koome, resigned last Friday after criticism of officers’ response to anti-government protests.

Around 50 people have died during the protests against the government of William Ruto.

– CAJ News

Source of original article: CAJ News Africa (
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