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from PHYLLIS BIRORI in Kigali, Rwanda
Rwanda Bureau
KIGALI, (CAJ News) – INCUMBENT, Paul Kagame, has secured a third term as the president of Rwanda.

According to preliminary results by the National Electoral Commission (NEC), he managed a landslide 99,15 percent of the Tuesday vote.

Dr Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, who was forecast to be Kagame’s main challenger, has conceded defeat after securing 0,53 percent.

Philippe Mpayimana, an independent candidate, garnered 0,32 percent.

The elections management body disclosed that 98 percent of the over 9,7 millions Rwandans registered to vote turned up for the exercise.

The victory of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) candidate, Kagame (66), was predictable considering his dominance in the elections since he came to power in 2000.

Some individuals that had planned to contest the latest poll were disqualified under what critics said were controversial circumstances.

However, the economic stability and transformation under the leadership of Kagame largely plays a part in his popularity among voters, although he is labelled a dictator.

The East African country of 14 million people is one of the continent’s fastest growing economies.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects the Rwanda economy to grow by 6,9 percent in 2024.

Rwanda also enjoys stability after recovering from genocide 30 years ago.

However, it is involved in a spat with the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

It is alleged Rwanda sponsors the March 23 Movement or Mouvement du 23 mars in French (M23) rebel group, one of the insurgent movements wreaking havoc in the eastern DRC.

– CAJ News

Source of original article: News – CAJ News Africa (
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