Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (

Monica Ntonzini’s home is among thousands of shacks that are still waterlogged at the informal settlement in Masiphumelele, Cape Town, following strong winds and rain this week. Photos: Lucas Nowicki

Residents of Masiphumelele were taking stock of the damage on Friday afternoon following days of gale winds and rain. More than 4,500 households in the informal settlement were seriously affected.

Monica Ntonzini, who was scooping water out of her home, said her ceiling and floor were badly damaged by the weather, which only made the flooding worse. “I have no other choice but to stay here. I don’t have anywhere else to go,” said Ntonzini, who lives with her two children.

Mthetho Muru stands at the door of his flooded home.

According to City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management spokesperson, Charlotte Powell, over 4,500 households in Masiphumelele have been affected by flooding, with 2,500 of these homes having “water above ankle height”. The informal settlement is located next to a wetland, making households on the periphery particularly susceptible to flooding.

Powell said most of the support with meals for affected residents in the area has come from the non-profit organisation Living Hope. “This is the 7th day of the response, so they are in need of additional food, blankets and baby packs. The City will continue to undertake impact assessments.”

Community leader Patiance Fani, who has been cooking food supplied by Living Hope, told GroundUp that Masiphumelele urgently needs more support.

“I can only cook meals for a few people. There are so many more people needing food.”

To help Living Hope assist the people of Masiphumelele:

Donated items of food, clothing and blankets, can be dropped off at
7 Kommetjie Main Road, Capri, 7975.

Monetary Donations to Living Hope:

Living Hope Trust, First National Bank, Longbeach Mall, Noordhoek
Account: Living Hope Trust – Disaster Appeal Account
Account No: 62672419267
Branch Code: 250655
Reference: Your name, email, and phone number.

GroundUp has no financial relationship with Living Hope and takes no responsibility for any donations made to Living Hope.

Mthetho Muru and Patiance Fani wade through flood water. Over 4,500 households in Masiphumelele have been seriously affected by flooding, with 2,500 of these homes having “water above ankle height”.

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