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The MPC leader has urged lawmakers to stop allegedly harassing state security institutions and individuals for doing their work to ensure public safety.

By Lincoln G. Peters 

Monrovia, July 18, 2024: Opposition leader Simeon Freeman has cautioned lawmakers to focus on legislative works and stop harassing state security officials for deploying the military at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) recently.

During former President George Manneh Weah’s return recently from the U.S. and Ghana, hundreds of his partisans and supporters of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) overcrowded the RIA, much to the disadvantage of other travelers and safety concerns.

Liberian security forces, including the military and the police, were deployed to ensure order and safety at the airport.

However, the CDC-controlled House of Representatives subsequently summoned security officials to question them as to why they had to deploy the military.

However, Mr. Freeman, the political leader of the opposition Movement for Progressive Change (MPC), argued on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, that harassing security institutions and individuals demonstrates complete unseriousness.

He challenged the lawmakers to get to work and examine what adds value to Liberians by addressing the numerous issues that impact the citizenry. 

Mr. Freeman reminded lawmakers that there are many critical national emergency issues that need to be addressed.

He particularly reminded them about the bread-and-butter issues that he suggested the leadership of the Legislature should contemplate.

“The bread-and-butter issues should be a concern to our Legislature. The bag of rice has gone up, education in the country remains a mess, and university students and ordinary Liberians are complaining about the cost of living, which has risen,” Freeman told the lawmakers.

“The road network in the country is horrible, and jobs are basically non-available. Also, no new jobs have been created under this government,” he added.

According to the MPC leader, people are unemployed, and these are the real issues that the lawmakers should focus on.

He expressed disappointment in the Representatives’ decision to summon the security officials, adding that it is sickening.

Amid the many troubling issues he cited, Mr. Freman lamented that the only things the Legislature can talk about are the AFL’s presence at the RIA and why former President Weah is not allowed to use the airport’s VIP lounge.

He urged the Legislature, particularly the House of Representatives, to deliberate on matters that add value to the Liberian people’s livelihood rather than questioning state security officials on issues of no interest to the people.

The House of Representatives has requested the appearances of the authorities at the Ministries of Defense and Justice, the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), the National Security Advisor, and the Commander of the AFL at the RIA.

The CDC-controlled body said it wants the officials to appear on Thursday, July 18, 2024, to address the deployment of the AFL at the airport during Mr. Weah’s arrival over the weekend.

A communication from Mr. Frank Saah Foko, a CDC lawmaker for Montserrado County Electoral District #9 triggered the House’s decision to summon the officials.

Mr. Freeman called on the Legislature’s leadership to reexamine the 2024 National Budget and discuss the judiciary’s budget.

He urged lawmakers to discuss the approximately US$63 million that the government owes financial institutions across the country, which will most likely lend them into deficit.

Let the Legislature use the time to re-look at the budget. Within that budget is US$16 million for repayment to financial institutions that the government is owing to banks,” he explained.

“I understand that the amount was US$63 million, but the government only paid US$26 million. They need to write the Minister of Finance to tell why those institutions are not paid,” he continued.

He further asked the lawmakers to get to work and establish why education is challenging in the country.

Meanwhile, Mr. Freeman has pleaded with Liberians never to walk in error by giving UP or CDC national power because they are a generation that will prioritize corruption and looting. 

He recommended that the Liberian people look at the MPC for proper leadership direction, adding that his party has the leadership skills and ability to transform Liberia and tackle the country’s bread-and-butter issues.

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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