The recent confirmation of famine at the Zamzam camp in Sudan is “also a canary in a coal mine”, the new Representative of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the country has warned.

Sheldon Yett said the situation is an indication that “terrible things” are happening there. He also recalled that food security experts report conditions are “equally bad” at more than a dozen other locations across the country, where rival militaries have been battling for more than a year.

Speaking from Port Sudan, Mr. Yett told UN News’s Abdelmonem Makki that despite access constraints, insecurity and other challenges, UNICEF and partners are bringing supplies to Zamzam camp “every day”, but not enough food is getting in.

Source of original article: United Nations ( Photo credit: UN. The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the views or opinion of Global Diaspora News (

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