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The United States Embassy in Monrovia has issued a statement hours after its Charge d’Affaires stormed out of an official ceremony marking Liberia’s 177th Independence Day.

Monrovia, July 26, 2024The United States Embassy said in the statement that Charge d’Affaires Catherine Rodrigues’s Walkout was a direct response to the orator’s comments at the event concerning US-Liberia relations.

Full statement below:

In light of recent events at the Liberian Independence Day Celebration, the United States Embassy wishes to address concerns regarding Chargé d’Affaires (CDA) Rodriguez’s decision to leave the event.

The United States and Liberia share a unique history and democratic values. Unfortunately, the national orator introduced divisive rhetoric and unfounded accusations.

The United States has a long history of providing foreign assistance, amounting to at least $163 million annually.

This is separate from the U.S. government’s contributions to several international organizations that also provide aid to the Liberian people.

Additionally, numerous U.S. foundations, private American citizens, and nongovernmental organizations are dedicated to uplifting the Liberian people.

 Independence Day is a time for hope and unity. CDA Rodriguez’s decision to walk out was a measured response to the orator’s comments.

 While the orator is entitled to freedom of speech, the CDA chose to exercise her right not to listen to such remarks.

 The United States remains a steadfast partner to Liberia, dedicated to fostering a positive and collaborative relationship based on shared values and mutual respect. We look forward to continuing our work together, now and in the future, for the benefit of both nations. -Press release

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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