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There is a moral decay that has damaged the fabric of American society. We can see its effects on the newly minted, indoctrinated university elite, who perceive the one Jewish state in the world as the sole source of all the problems in the Middle East. Despite Hamas’ massacre on October 7, and the multiple wars of annihilation launched by the Arab world against Israel, the same privileged elites view Israel’s seven million Jews as the oppressor, and Islam’s 1.9 billion adherents as the oppressed.

Interestingly, the hypocritical well-funded and organized “moral mob” never calls for the release of the hostages, including women and children, nor do they demand that Hamas surrender. Cowardly university administrators routinely cow-tow to faculty, students, and a horde of outside agitators, all of whom deny Hamas committed atrocities on Oct. 7, despite videos proudly displayed by the terrorists. In the interest of saving lives, the Biden administration has called on Israel to implement an immediate ceasefire, but is not saying it won’t accept a situation where Hamas remains in power after the war.

According to psychological studies, the strongest motivating forces of human behavior are fear, love, and envy. Of the three, the only negative trait is envy. Thousands of years ago, our sages recognized the destructive nature of envy. The Torah addresses that destructive human attribute and offers a prescription of how to mediate envy’s damaging effects on society. The Tenth Commandment says, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

The campus mobs chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” are the pawns of the envious, those individuals and societies that have replaced their innate abilities to create and build what Israel has, with envy. They begrudge the accomplishments of Israel and the Jewish people. When Abraham heeded G-d’s directive: “go yourself from your land, from your birthplace, and the house of your father, to the land that I will show you,” it was a call for Abraham to reject the prevailing practices of his contemporaries. It was an answer to Richard Landes’ question about Jews in his book, Can the Whole World Be Wrong? Abraham left his hometown, Ur Kasdim, thus cutting ties with his country, his city, his neighbors, and family, to seek a better way of life.

Which brings me back to Israel. Israel’s absorption of refugees from Russia, Europe, Africa, and Arab lands hostile to Jews, is in stark contrast to Arab states that refuse Palestinians entry and citizenship in their states (even the many refugees that did not leave Israel during the 1948 war). Also, Israel’s success in medicine, science, and agriculture shows that inquisitions, pogroms, and the atrocities of the Holocaust do not have to decide a people’s fate.

Israel debunks the Marxist oppressor-oppressed narrative because it proves that a people can flourish, despite the deprivations and disadvantages of systemic racism and antisemitism.

Today more than ever, Israel needs Jews as much as Jews need Israel. There is a Hebrew expression, Kibbutz Galiyyut, it refers to the in-gathering of exiles from foreign lands and the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland Israel. Since 1948, it has been the only place that will unequivocally take Jews and where they can truly feel at home.

I close with my opening statement, “there is a moral decay that has damaged the fabric of American society,” and just as G-d directed Abraham to leave Ur Kasdim, a place of bad actors, we too should heed that call and live in Israel, if not in body, then in spirit — by supporting her safety, welfare, and very existence. Understandably, because Israel is not America, she mounts challenges for which Americans are unaccustomed, therefore Israeli life, or one’s personal circumstances, may find that Israel is not for everyone, but it is comforting to know she is there for every one of us.

Steve Wenick, upon retiring from IBM as an IT analyst, took up blogging and writing articles of Jewish interest. His book reviews and articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, and the Jewish Voice of South Jersey. He lives with his wife in Voorhees, New Jersey.

Source of original article: Steve Wenick / Opinion – (
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