The UN human rights office, OHCHR, warned on Thursday that children are not being spared from escalating Israeli military operations in the West Bank.

In the last few days, Israeli security forces have surrounded Jenin camp – targeting militants – using drones, Apache helicopters, fighter jets, and aerial bombing tactics, according to OHCHR’s top official in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Ajith Sunghay.

Children both from the West Bank and Gaza want to return to school – and are extremely affected by “the pains of the occupation and war”.

In an interview with UN News, Mr. Sunghay, told Daniel Johnson that children in Gaza have already gone through “massive trauma” and that it will take years for them “to go back to some sense of normalcy”. 

Source of original article: United Nations ( Photo credit: UN. The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the views or opinion of Global Diaspora News (

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