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One of the more widely discussed facets of the Israel-Hamas war has been the number of Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza since October 7.

The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Associated Press, and the Financial Times are just some of the mainstream media organizations that have featured in-depth reports on the Palestinian journalist casualties in Gaza.

However, what these reports fail to disclose is that a substantial number of these Gaza-based journalists were either members of proscribed Palestinian terror organizations, or affiliated with these groups. These groups include Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Based on information provided by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), of the 83 Palestinian journalists identified by the CPJ as being killed in Gaza as of February 22, 2024, 45 (roughly 55%) were either members or affiliates of a Palestinian terrorist group.

The following is a list of the killed Palestinian journalists who were associated with Gaza-based terror groups:

  1. Alaa Al-Hams (passed away on February 12, 2024 from a prior wound) — She had previously worked for the Houthi-affiliated Al Masira TV Network and the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  2. Mohammed Atallah (reported killed on January 29, 2024) — He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Resalah news website.
  3. Iyad El-Ruwagh (reported killed on January 25, 2024) — He worked as a host for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Voice Radio.
  4. Mohamed Jamal Sobhi Al-Thalathini (reported killed on January 11, 2024) — He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  5. Ahmed Bdeir (reported killed on January 10, 2024) — He worked for Bawabat al-Hadaf, which is affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
  6. Hamza Al Dahdouh (reported killed on January 7, 2024) — He worked for Al Jazeera. He reportedly served in Islamic Jihad’s electronic engineering unit, and previously served as a deputy commander in the Zeitoun Brigade’s rocket force.
  7. Mustafa Thuraya (reported killed on January 7, 2024) — He worked as a freelancer for AFP. He reportedly served as a deputy squad commander in Hamas’ Gaza City Brigade.
  8. Akram Elshafie (passed away on January 5, 2024 from injuries sustained in October 2023) — He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Safa news agency.
  9. Jabr Abu Hadrous (reported killed on December 29, 2023) — He worked as a reporter for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  10. Ahmed Khaireddine (reported killed on December 28, 2023) — He worked as a cameraman for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster Al-Qouds Al-Youm and for the Hamas-affiliated Quds Feed.
  11. Mohamad Al-Iff (reported killed on December 24, 2023) — He worked as a journalist and photographer for the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  12. Mohamed Azzaytouniyah (reported killed on December 24, 2023) — He worked as a sound engineer for the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  13. Ahmad Jamal Al-Madhoun (reported killed on December 24, 2023) — He served as the deputy director of the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  14. Mohamed Naser Abu Huwaidi (reported killed on December 22, 2023) — He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated newspaper, Al-Istiklal.
  15. Mohamed Khalifeh (reported killed on December 22, 2023) –– He served as a director at the Hamas-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Aqsa TV*.
  16. Adel Zorob (reported killed on December 19, 2023) — He was a freelance journalist who worked with a variety of media outlets in Gaza, including the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Voice Radio.
  17. Abdallah Alwan (reported killed on December 18, 2023) — He worked for Al Jazeera and also as a radio host at the Islamic University in Gaza, a Hamas-affiliated organization.
  18. Haneen Kashtan (reported killed on December 17, 2023) — He worked for the Fatah-affiliated Al-Kofiya TV and for Tzut Alutan, a radio station affiliated with the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
  19. Hassan Farajalla (reported killed on December 3, 2023) — According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, he held a senior position at Hamas-affiliated Al-Quds TV. According to the Meir Amit Center, he held a senior position at the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  20. Shaima El-Gazzar (reported killed on either December 3 or 4, 2023) — She worked for the Al-Majedat network and was reportedly also a Hamas activist.
  21. Abdullah Darwish (reported killed on December 1, 2023) — He worked as a cameraman for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  22. Mostafa Bakeer (reported killed on November 24, 2023) — He worked as a cameraman and journalist for the Hamas-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Aqsa TV*.
  23. Assem Al-Barsh (reported killed on November 22, 2023) — He worked for the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  24. Mohamed Nabil Al-Zaq (reported killed on November 22, 2023) — He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated media network, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  25. Abdelhalim Awad (reported killed on November 18, 2023) — He served as a media worker and driver for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  26. Mostafa El Sawaf (reported killed November 18, 2023) — He worked for the local news website MSDR News. He joined Hamas at its founding and previously served as a member of Hamas’ Gaza leadership.
  27. Amro Salah Abu Hayah (reported killed on November 18, 2023) — He worked in the broadcast department of Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  28. Yahya Abu Manih (reported killed on November 7, 2023) — He worked as a journalist for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Radio.
  29. Mohamad Al-Bayyari (reported killed on November 2, 2023) — He worked as a journalist for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  30. Iyad Matar (reported killed on November 1, 2023) — He worked as a journalist for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  31. Majed Kashko (reported killed on October 31, 2023) — He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated media channel, Palestine Today.
  32. Yasser Abu Namous (reported killed on October 27, 2023) — He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Sahel media organization.
  33. Duaa Sharaf (reported killed on October 26, 2023) — She worked as a host for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Radio.
  34. Jamal Al-Faqaawi (reported killed on October 25, 2023) — He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated Mithaq Media Foundation.
  35. Saed Al-Halabi (reported killed on October 25, 2023) — He worked as a journalist for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  36. Ahmed Abu Mhadi (reported killed on October 25, 2023) — He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  37. Mohammed Imad Labad (reported killed on October 23, 2023) — He worked for the Hamas-affiliated news website, Al-Resalah.
  38. Khalil Abu Aathra (reported killed on October 19, 2023) — He worked as a videographer for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  39. Sameeh Al-Nady (reported killed on October 18, 2023) — He worked as a journalist and director for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  40. Mohammad Balousha (reported killed on October 17, 2023) — He worked as a journalist and administrator for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated media channel, Palestine Today.
  41. Issam Bhar (reported killed on October 17, 2023) — He worked for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  42. Husam Mubarak (reported killed on October 13, 2023) — He worked as a journalist for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa radio station.
  43. Ahmed Shehab (reported killed on October 12, 2023) — He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated radio station, Voice of the Prisoners. He had previously been imprisoned by Israel and was released during the 2011 Gilad Shalit deal.
  44. Mohammad Al-Salhi (reported killed on October 7, 2023) — He worked as a photojournalist for the Fourth Authority news agency and was also responsible for public relations for the Hamas-affiliated Dar al-Quran al-Karrem wal-Sunnah organization.
  45. Mohammad Jarghoun (reported killed on October 7, 2023) — He worked as a journalist for Smart Media and reportedly served in Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades.

*Since 2010, Al-Aqsa TV has been designated a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the US Department of the Treasury.

The author is a contributor to HonestReporting, a Jerusalem-based media watchdog with a focus on antisemitism and anti-Israel bias — where a version of this article first appeared.

Source of original article: Chaim Lax / Opinion – (
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